
Yilan Very Delicious


餐桌上的五味-酸、甜、苦、辣、鹹,宜蘭的橘之鄉讓金棗成為「最甜蜜的酸」、旺山南瓜園的南瓜是「最幸福的甜」、宜蘭鴨 化身為「最甘甜的鹹」、溪和三代目符合海鮮指南「最鮮美的鹹」、宜蘭酒廠醞釀「最香醇的辛」、三星蔥產出「最聰明的辣」、蜂采館蜜蜂有「最甜蜜的口水」。


People in Yilan utilizes wisdom on local life to make local delicacies “very delicious.”
There are five flavors – sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and savory; Yilan’s “Agrioz” turns kumquat into “the sweetest sourness;” Wangshan Leisure Farm offers squashes that are the “happiest sweetness;” Yilan’s sugarcane-smoked duck is the “sweetest savory;” Siho Third Generation Tourism Factory offers the freshest seafood that is the “freshest and most delicious savory;” Yilan Distillery produces the “most fragrant spiciness;” Sanxing spring onion presents the “smartest spiciness;” Bee Family Museum showcases the “sweetest saliva.”
Local culture can also be experienced on palates, and let’s enjoy Yilan’s “very delicious” local ingredients.